Stage Set For Ocean Thermal Energy Expansion As World Leaders Agree To Sweeping Greenhouse Emissions Reductions And Call For Deep Investments In Clean Energy At COP 21 Paris Climate Conference

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Ocean Thermal Energy Technology Positioned To Provide Carbon Free, Constant Baseload Renewable Energy For Over A Billion People Along Earth’s Temperate Zone

Lancaster, Pennsylvania: As the worldwide COP 21 Climate Conference adjourns with historic plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and calls for deep investments in clean energy, Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation (OTE) ramps up activities to position ocean thermal energy conversion technology (OTEC) as a leading replacement for baseload fossil fuel, the major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

“World leaders spoke and it is clear that we must leave the fossil fuel age of fire behind and transition to renewable energy. Ocean thermal energy conversion technology offers humanity an immediate solution to help create this fossil-free future for over three billion inhabitants that live in temperate regions of the world. Ocean thermal energy’s time has come,” said Jeremy P. Feakins, Chairman of Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation.

Onshore OTEC Plant

Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation is rising to meet this demand for clean renewable constant baseload energy around the world. OTE recently signed MOU’s with the government of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Zanzibar and the Bahamas Electric Corporation for OTEC technology. Under a U.S. Government contract, OTE recently designed an OTEC plant for the U.S. Territory of Guam and is in discussion to bring OTEC to countries along the Pacific Rim.

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion technology is superior to other energy technologies with its small operating footprint, ability to scale to large energy outputs, and ability to offer continuous baseload energy 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. It is a complement to intermittent solar and wind systems as it provides a carbon free sustainable backup to these systems, making for a complete clean sustainable energy system.

“As global leaders wrap up discussions on the individual commitments their countries will make to curb global greenhouse gas emissions, Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation offers OTEC as a ready-made solution to the planet’s urgent need for fossil free, renewable constant energy on a large scale.”

“The vision of Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation is to be a leader in supporting healthy, sustainable and resilient communities around the world. The ability of OTEC to also coproduce large quantities of clean water for drinking and farming is also key to addressing increasing water and food scarcity. The message from Paris was a powerful call to action for countries to embrace renewable energy. OTE is taking aggressive action to meet this opportunity with the design of the world’s first commercial scale ocean thermal energy system in The U.S. Virgin Islands,” said Dr. Ted Johnson, OTE Senior Vice President and Executive Director.

About Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation: Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation (OTE) is a worldwide leader in designing, building, owning, and operating clean hydrothermal energy plants worldwide using the proven technologies of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) and Seawater Air Conditioning (SWAC). OTE has signed its first major project in The Bahamas.

Headquartered in Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA, OTE has offices in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Hawaii, The Bahamas, Cayman Islands, and United States Virgin Islands.